
Urinary Health

Women's Wellness located in Beaumont, TX

Urinary Health services offered in Beaumont, TX

Women’s urinary health is a significant concern for women including urinary incontinence and urinary tract infections (UTIs). At Beaumont WELLness for Women, Erica Cheshire, ANP-BC, Sheila Arnaud, APRN FNP-BC, and Jennifer Sigler, WHNP-BC, understand the extreme physical discomfort and embarrassment caused by urinary problems. They offer compassionate care combined with effective treatments that restore your urinary health. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Beaumont, Texas, or connect online today.

What is urinary health?

The team at Beaumont WELLness for Women diagnoses and manages some urinary conditions, including urinary incontinence, interstitial cystitis, and UTIs.

Urinary incontinence

You may develop stress, urge, and/or overflow incontinence. Stress incontinence, the most common type in women, causes urine leakage when you place pressure on your abdomen. For example, you leak when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting a heavy object.

Stress incontinence develops due to weak pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support your pelvic organs and also control the flow of urine. Vaginal childbirth and low estrogen (especially at menopause) commonly cause weak pelvic floor muscles.

Urge incontinence occurs due to problems like nerve damage, diabetes, UTIs, and hormone imbalances. Overflow incontinence causes urine leakage when your bladder is too full, a problem typically caused by nerve damage, a blockage, or weak bladder muscles.

Your provider will assess and make recommendations for appropriate management or referral in regards to your incontinence.


You develop a UTI when bacteria that normally live on your body get into the urinary tract. Most UTIs stay in the urethra, but the infection can travel to your bladder and kidneys.

UTIs cause symptoms such as:

  • Frequent urination
  • Strong urge to urinate
  • Urine leakage
  • Urinating a small amount
  • Strong-smelling urine
  • Pink or dark-colored urine
  • Lower abdominal pain

If the UTI spreads to your kidneys, you may also have a fever, nausea, and back pain.

How are urinary health problems treated?

The best treatment for urinary incontinence depends on the type. You may need one or more of the following:

  • Pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises)
  • Bladder training
  • Medications

If your incontinence doesn’t improve, your provider may recommend a referral to pelvic therapy to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, or referral to a specialist for a more comprehensive evaluation.

Since most UTIs are caused by bacteria, your provider prescribes antibiotics. If you have recurrent UTIs, your provider may take a more aggressive approach to prevent future infections.

After menopause, UTIs occur because low estrogen weakens the tissues in your urinary tract. Your provider may treat this problem with hormone replacement therapy.

Don’t wait to get help for your urinary health. Call Beaumont WELLness for Women or book an appointment online today.