
Hormone Therapy

Women's Wellness located in Beaumont, TX

Hormone Therapy services offered in Beaumont, TX

Most women associate hormone therapy with menopause, but many conditions related to your reproductive health are also treated with hormones. At Beaumont WELLness for Women, Erica Cheshire, ANP-BC and Jennifer Sigler, WHNP-BC, PMHNP-BC specialize in identifying hormone-based problems and prescribing treatments that restore balance and improve your health and well-being. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Beaumont, Texas, or book online today.

Why would I need hormone therapy?

There are many reasons you may need hormone therapy beyond helping you through the changes of menopause. Your hormone levels can get out of balance due to:

  • Illnesses
  • Chronic stress
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Lack of sleep
  • Acne
  • Thyroid disease
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity

Even if you feel healthy, you can still have a hormone imbalance as a result of aging. The production of some hormones naturally declines as you get older.

What conditions may need hormone therapy?

Your provider may use hormone therapy to treat several reproductive disorders. 

What should I expect with hormone therapy?

Your provider completes a pelvic exam and runs blood tests to verify your hormone levels and determine the proper dose. Your hormone therapy may be in the form of birth control pills or other prescription medications, depending on the reason for your hormone imbalance.

There are many forms of hormone replacement therapy, including pills, creams, patches, gels and Biote® bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Biote comes in the form of a pellet which is implanted in the subcutaneous tissue and can last for several months.

To learn more about hormone therapy, call Beaumont WELLness for Women or book an appointment online today.